We Specialize in concerts, conventions and wedding receptions. Featuring both female and male vocalists plus orchestrations of all styles. Personalized theme parties can be produced and offered by request. Brian Patti provides over 20 years of professional musical experience as well as being the 3rd generation of orchestra leaders within the Patti family.
As a leader of his own orchestra, Brian has performed at conventions, political rallies, entertained at corporate events, benefits and society wedding receptions. The Brian Patti Orchestra highlights include the Grand Opening of the Chicago Convention Center and the Inaugural Ball for the New Chicago Symphony Orchestra Center.
As you know, Brian, we've had Buddy DeFranco and Chuck Hedges out here in years past, and those gentlemen swing rather well. But I never thought I'd hear the clarinet parts of Shaw and Goodman played that well live, and it was a great buzz for me to just stand next to you and hear what you were doing.

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