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Ever After Ranch Ever After Ranch is just a wonderful ceremony and reception site for outdoor weddings and other special occasions. Each client is different so we offer the greatest benefit there is-- flexibility! We offer packages which include various vendors' services and remain extraordinarily flexibility in their make up. You don't have to choose A, B, or C-- they're merely starting points from which you can build or subtract to customize your event to best suit your individual needs.

The first step was to create a simply breathtaking setting-- after all, it's really all about the pictures. The photos on our website were taken by amateur photographers with ordinary cameras. Just imagine what your professional photographer could do! Every room of the house is another opportunity for great photos.

Once the backdrop was set, we assembled a terrific cast of professionals to provide the services you desire to make your event unique and exquisite. You can handle as much or as little as you want in the process of identifying the vendors who will assist you on your big day. You can choose from our list of recommended professionals, or bring your own.

The best thing of all, again, is our willingness to stray from the formula. We'll do our best to accommodate your wishes in order to create your dream wedding. You can ride in on horseback, drop in from parachutes, or maybe even take a nice leisurely stroll down the aisle. Wait a minute... there are some boundaries, but all you have to do is ask. Whatever you choose for your day is your decision, and it should be unmistakably yours. That is why we will not push you in or out to make room for some other event-- your day is your day-- all day!

We offer military and first responder discounts. We appreciate our freedoms and our comforts and we're happy to express even a fraction of our gratitude by offering this discount.
Served areas
  • Tucson, Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Southern Arizona
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