Step back in time with us at the Little White Church of Oatman to a time when going to Church was a place to Worship God and share that worship with the fellowship of family, friends and neighbors. Sing'n the good ol Gospel Songs of the past, loving God and loving each other. The Little White Church of Oatman, and Jesus Christ calls His Church "God's House of Prayer", will never be a Church that is nothing more than a financial burden but a place to come and feel the Holy Spirit and to give Glory to God and His Son Jesus Christ.
NET Romans 15:4 For everything that was written in former times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and through encouragement of the scriptures we may have hope. So what have I learned from the Holy Scriptures is just this. I truly believe GOD is testing us right now! Testing to see who is a "True Christian" and who claims to be but is really not, those that would bow to the beast just because it is easier to go with the flow than to make waves.The ones who are not believers have already been destined, have already sealed their fate.
Parson Tom Woodard officiating Weddings of the Wild West performed in Oatman, Arizona right in the middle of the street on Historic Route 66 or weddings can be held at The Little White Church of Oatman in front of God and congregation as witness. Or we have Weddings in our Shop, Making Memories Old Time Photos as well and actually just about everywhere.
Many of the Books that I will have available here are Apocryphal or come from the Nag Hammadi and some would argue because these writings are not contained in the Bible then they are of no value, I disagree. I welcome and thirst for any text that has to do with God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
I believed the good news at age 25 after living as lost as a goose in a snowstorm type of life. I had been very much a partying, rock and rolling, living like there was no tomorrow crazy man with an outlook and lifestyle that was reflected in most everything I did. Near the end of my rope, it was my uncle in Texas who was the one that helped me understand that Christ Himself took our place and died for our sins on the cross and that I could never be good enough to go to heaven when I died if I was counting on my own good works.
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LeBron James LeBronLakers Champs
Dec 09, 2020